This is my first post in God’s Grace. Where would we be without it! My life testifies to this statement. I look back on a time I lived without Christ as the center of my choices and I shudder. But then I smile because I realize I could not have survived if He had not watched over me throughout all of it, in spite of who I was then…an individual leading a most self-centered existence.

The New Testament Greek word charis means “favor, blessings, or kindness.” We can all extend grace to each other, but when it’s in connection with God, it takes on an amazing stronger meaning. Grace is God choosing to bless us even though our sin tells us we don’t deserve the blessing. God blesses the undeserved!

God chose to cancel our sin debt when He sacrificed His perfect Son in our place, then he gave us even more by offering us forgiveness, abundant life, reconciliation, His Holy Spirit and most importantly a place in heaven with Him some day by accepting, in faith, His sacrifice.

So, yes, God brought me through those years I turned my back on Him because He is full of mercy and He forgave me and by His GRACE,   welcomed me back into His fold!


God’s Grace is Sufficient

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